
Why Have a Tarot Reading?

How long is a piece of string?!!! There are so many potential reasons why someone might choose to have a Tarot Reading…

An Overview About Professional Tarot Readings

The common thread when someone chooses to use Tarot Cards, however, is that there is a question they want to gain clarity about. Often there is no other way to for the client to try and unravel it. So, this is where the skills of a professional Tarot Reader are useful.

The wonderful thing about Tarot Cards is that they address the question in a unique and appropriate way. And this applies to any reading, each and every time. Every reading is personal to the questioner.

It is very much “old hat” to think of Tarot Cards as predictors of tragedy!

How Do I Use Tarot For You?

Here are a few examples how I might use the cards for you:

  • for self-development
  • to help you understand a situation
  • to highlight possible aspects that might be useful to consider around a future decision or project

There is great value to this approach. This is because interpreting Tarot in these ways empowers you to move forward with additional awareness. As a result you can then use this heightened awareness to navigate your life path more easily.

What Types Of Questions Can A Tarot Reading Address?

The possible questions that can be asked of a Tarot Deck are endless. However, in broad terms, they involve the normal stuff of life such as relationships, work, money, etc.

The bottom line is that a Tarot Card Reading often provides understanding and a clearer view about moving forward which people find useful.

If this resonates with you and you are drawn to work with me, simply send me a message and we can get started.

With love,

Amanda xx


If you’d like to work with me 1:1 with energy healing, or tarot, or both, please get in touch to find out how I can help.


Is Energy Healing For You?

If you have never had energy healing and are considering it, this is a question you will be asking yourself.

And …the quick answer is “yes”.

Let me explain why.

Why Use Energy Healing

The reason is that each and every session is unique and appropriate to what’s going on with you at that time. Your body (and I use this term loosely to include your physical body, your mind, your emotions, your energies, your spiritual being) is always trying to get into the best possible state that it can. However, sometimes we get a bit stuck, and that’s when the services of an energy healer can help. Using a combination of your own natural capacity to heal and the energy healing training of the practitioner, the previous focus of your concerns has the potential to transform.

How does it work?

Everything is energy, and everything affects everything else. Just imagine a freshly ironed sheet. Now, imagine grabbing a corner of it and pulling it – every single thread and stitch in that sheet will change it’s shape as a result. We all know that when we hear a loud unexpected sound we get a physical reaction in our tummy. You, with all your different aspects, are just the same. So, change one thing and it impacts your whole being.

From my perspective as the practitioner, I understand that everything is consciousness (or energy) and that purely my act of observing something or becoming aware of it in the session is enough for your body to shift on whatever level or levels it wants to. Quantum science explains this.

What is it used for?

People use Energy Healing for a huge variety of reasons. For instance, it could be:

  • physical aches and pains in the body
  • emotional reasons – for example grief
  • mental pressures – worry, stress, anxiety, fears
  • feeling disconnected from themselves
  • a sense that ‘something’s not right’ that they can’t quite put a finger on
  • the wish to progress on their spiritual journey
  • as a support to other treatments (both mainstream and alternative)
  • Most often it turns out to be a combination of several factors.

Who uses it?

Anybody can. However, in reality it seems to break down to three groups:

  • Those who are already familiar with energy healing
  • People who have tried many other modalities but have been unable to resolve their issues

Others who are self-aware and want to expand and work with their potential.

We are all beings of enormous potential and Energy Healing works with that on all levels.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to find out about working with me, send me a message.

With love,

Amanda xx


If you’d like to work with me 1:1 with energy healing, or tarot, or both, please get in touch to find out how I can help.


Introducing Energy Healer Amanda Weller

Hello! I’m Amanda,

If you’re like me, you’ll want to get a ‘feel’ for someone before booking their services. I’m an energy healer and I thought I’d introduce myself, so you can do the same!

This holistic / alternative / energy medicine path, which I first stepped into in 2004, has brought me extraordinary joy. It has opened up a whole new world to me and expanded my understandings beyond anything I could possibly have previously imagined. And the absolute greatest joy is that I get to play with it all in something that others refer to as “work” – it never feels like work to me.

My Training

I have done a LOT of training to get to this point. My first step was to qualify as a Reflexologist while my children were small. I then did many BodyTalk courses the result of which is that I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, an Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner and a PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner (which is basically the BodyTalk version of post grad). I am also a qualified Quantum-Touch Practitioner and an Advanced Certified Tarot Reader.

What I Now Understand

Having done all that, what I now know is that there are so many simple things that we can all do to help ourselves feel better, healthier and happier in our day to day lives. I am strongly drawn to share it all. Therefore, I decided to gather together all the simple tips and techniques that I personally use in my own life and I spent 2021 creating these two online courses:

How To Boost Your Energy & Vibration
How To Use Your Intuition

Both comprise short bite-sized videos and my intention is that they will easily fit into a busy life.

My Energy Healing Sessions

I always approach my client energy healing sessions from a point of potential. So, no matter the reason someone has booked in, whether it’s physical pain, anxiety or grief, to give a few examples, I know that ultimately what’s happening is that I am holding the space for them not only to heal but to connect more easily to their heart, to their inner knowing, to their core being. What a privilege this is.

Random Facts About Me

On a more general note, here are some random facts about me:

I lived in Florence, Italy for 2 years
I graduated as a mature student aged 32 from Birkbeck College, University of London, with a Humanities degree. All the teaching was in the evenings and I worked part-time / studied part-time over 4 years to achieve this. Archaeology became my main interest and at one point I was to be seen wielding a pickaxe in a dig on the Old Kent Road in London before the site was built on. I didn’t find anything!
I was a radio presenter (on Brooklands Radio) for a couple of years which I absolutely loved and hope to do more of
My favourite tea is nettle
Being in nature feeds my soul
The sound I love most is birdsong (I do my sessions with the window open to let it in!)
My favourite book is Stephen Mitchell’s beautiful translation of Lao Tzu’s ‘Tao Te Ching’
Much to my surprise, I have discovered I love to crochet. Mostly clothes so far, but I have done a crocheted version of an archaeological artefact, and I’m currently working on my first blanket

My Traits

To finish, here are five and a half words to describe myself:


There you go – my introduction! To me everything stems from and comes back to living from the heart.

If this resonates with you and you are drawn to work with me, simply send me a message and we can get started.

With love,

Amanda xx


If you’d like to work with me 1:1 with energy healing, or tarot, or both, please get in touch to find out how I can help.