Quantum Being

Energy Alchemy

Use Your Power

Even a slight shift in your mood will create enough of an environmental signal to trigger a response from your DNA

You are, I'm sure, familiar with the double helix shape of DNA.  I am about to share some absolutely magic information with you which is so beautifully explained by Richard Rudd in his book The Gene Keys (pp xxiv):

"What most people don’t realise is that as a salt, DNA is a natural conductor of electricity.  It is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic waves.  Even a slight shift in your mood will create enough of an environmental signal to trigger a response from your DNA.  Likewise a negative or positive thought will generate a subtle electromagnetic current throughout your body that will stir your DNA into some form of biological response.  Most of us are completely unaware of how our moods, thoughts, beliefs and general attitude literally mould our bodies."

This is INCREDIBLE information.

Let's have a look at a few elements of the above.

  1. Even a slight shift in your mood will create enough of an environmental signal to trigger a response from your DNA.  Knowing this is an absolute gem.  It means that if you are aware of your mood and have the will to shift it, you are able to consciously affect how your genes are expressed, which in turn has the capacity to affect, well, untold aspects of yourself.
  2. A negative or positive thought will generate a subtle electromagnetic current throughout your body that will stir your DNA into some form of biological response.  Biological responses are the result of your DNA receiving this information.  You have the potential to affect your mood, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, etc, and therefore to affect your body.
  3. Most of us are completely unaware of how our moods, thoughts, beliefs and general attitude literally mould our bodies.  Now that you are aware of this, you have enormous power to bring your whole system into a more aligned state, which will have a fabulous knock-on as to how you experience life.

How do you change your mood from, say, a negative one to a more uplifted state?

Even simply being aware and noticing your state of being as if observing yourself from a distance can be enough to trigger a shift into a more boosted mood.

Here's one small tip that's great if you are finding things a struggle.  SMILE.  The fact is that our brains can't tell the difference between pretending to smile and smiling with true joy.  Smiling (even if it feels like a grimace!) will help to raise your mood, shift your thoughts or attitude, etc, which will in turn affect your whole being.

If this resonates with you, you can choose to take all this further with energy healing sessions.  If so, simply send me a message.

With love,

Amanda xx


If you’d like to work 1:1 with me please get in touch and we can play!

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