Your body / mind / spirit / energy bodies are constantly trying to get into the best state it can. The sessions use that natural instinct and ability within you to help you feel better and live your life to its full potential.
These sessions are consciousness-based and address the physical, emotional, and spiritual, and the balance within the person and with family, community life, work, nature, and the cosmos. They bring it all together in a simple, practical way that allows stress, pain, and fatigue to dissolve. I’ve watched with gratitude as clients have blossomed in confidence, joy, and enthusiasm for life.
While these intuitive energy healing sessions do not diagnose or treat specific ailments, clinical experience has shown that once a client's overall system is balanced through through these sessions, improvements may be experienced in many areas such as:
Health and wellness
Stress and anxiety
Pain syndromes
Digestive disorders
High blood pressure
Muscle tension
Mood disorders
Immune disorders
Menstrual problems
Hormonal imbalances
Environmental issues
Emotional issues
Relationship issues
Toxins, allergies, viruses, parasites
Performance optimisation: academics, exams, public speaking, athletics, the arts
Pre and Post Surgery to optimise the healing process
These sessions can bring in understandings from:
A Western biomedical view
Quantum physics
The philosophies of the ancient systems of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine
My work with children is done via Option 3 below - audio reports. Parents commonly book their children in for sessions due to:
I offer sessions in one of three different ways, depending which suits you best:
1. In person
2. On video
3. I do the session while you get on with your day as normal. In this instance, I would email my audio report of the session to you after I have done it.
"I met Amanda at a networking event in 2010. I was in my late fifties and I had been made redundant some months before and was now self-employed with the stress of being the main breadwinner as well. For no other known reason I developed a severe bout of eczema which I had never had before. It was all over my body. I listened to Amanda’s presentation and with a feeling of ‘anything is worth a try’ I booked a session with her.
I went to her home clinic and we talked first and she took a brief history and it was obvious why I was there. I then lay on the couch and she took hold of my left wrist. We chatted away and she made some very poignant comments and after a while she ‘tapped’. This process was repeated a few times until my appointment was up. I had a drink of water and departed.
Whilst I was using medication to eradicate the itchiness I believe it was Amanda’s intervention that cured my eczema. Over a few weeks my skin simply cleared up and has stayed clear ever since. I have continued to have irregular appointments with Amanda for different reasons and have always benefitted by becoming a calm, well individual."
Joan Swain
"Recently I realised that life’s burdens have/are taking their toll on me. The depression & anxiety levels that I have felt recently were getting steadily worse-often manifesting in a persist cough. Just by speaking to Amanda on the telephone I felt reassured & certainly enough to book the next available appointment with her at her home. She greeted me warmly & explained how the session would proceed. During the treatment I felt very relaxed. She “talked me through my body” sometimes stopping for a moment whilst my body re-adjusted. After the treatment I felt well & more relaxed but rather tired –in a nice way - but I decided that I needed to rest when I reached my home to allow my body to re-align itself. I had a second visit 10 days later the result being that the feeling of relaxation & calmness was re-enforced & my coughing spasms are now slightly less."
Yvonne Runciman
"I first came across Amanda approx 20 months ago, on the Internet. I have been suffering re health for a few years, but last 2 + years really effecting my physical & mental health& confidence. My main problem has been bladder infections which often require antibiotics, which do not improve my general health. I also have arthritic joint probs re injuries from sports activities.
The regular sessions I've had with Amanda have all been so's not just been a matter of helping one problem in my body, it's the overall improvement, mentally & physically plus breathing has improved. Also the bladder issue improved.
She has always been so supportive & professional to whatever situation presents itself. All the sessions have been conducted re Skype as I live in the North UK. This has worked out great. But I'm sure her other methods of communicating would be good. I would definitely recommend Amanda for a session."
Lis Harding
"I worked with Amanda in her lovely home practice after I had suffered from a series of migraines in early 2017. I had heard about Body Talk from friends and neighbours and how effective it could be but had yet to try it. What amazed me was how quickly Amanda could identify things without my even telling her. We had a detailed discussion at the start of the session, but she quoted medicines I had tried to combat the migraines weeks before, that had not formed part of our conversation. Having been treated for 45 minutes or so I felt a wave of tingling in my torso, an obvious energy shift quite unlike anything I had felt before. After the session I took great comfort in this energy shift and the positive effect it should have on my headache frequency."
Ronnie Hender
"I was fortunate enough to meet with Amanda, after a friend of mine recommended her to me. I had been seeking help for my 17 year old son who has Asperger’s Syndrome and learning difficulties. He is a very sensitive quite young man who is trying to find his own identity and was struggling to cope with the world. Things got to a rather dire stage and depression, panic attacks and self harm crept its way into my son’s life, almost taking over completely. After getting in touch with Amanda ,she offered to see my son promptly giving us the choice of remote help or visiting in person.
We physically attended approximately seven sessions lasting approx for one hour. My son would lay on the bed (often falling asleep) and Amanda would stand at his side touching his arm and explaining what she was ‘feeling’ and how my son’s system was working (or not) with certain issues, blockages, energy etc. I am sure that the procedure is far more complicated than my rather basic understanding and simple explanation. I believe Amanda works with the Nervous system and Chi but this is just my unqualified opinion.
Amanda would often talk us through a session and record it for my son to listen to later. In all honesty I do not seem to have the capacity to really understand what it going on. I have however seen the evidence of it working. Between sessions my son had consumed rather a lot of diet coke which I was concerned with and Amanda actually ‘picked up’ on this fact, commenting that it was showing up as a toxin, which she then proceeded to try and adjust his system to. (My interpretation). There were several issues that were brought up-by Amanda not from myself or my son- which were particularly relevant to certain weeks which again Amanda would identify and deal with.
At the end of every session we were then advised of the time we would need our next session ( usually 2-3 weeks ). There was no instant cure which we did not expect anyway but I believe the sessions have led to a calmer life. The self harming has stopped, the panic attacks are few and far between and the depression comes and goes. Again I knew this wouldn’t be a miracle cure overnight. Personally I feel very fortunate to have met Amanda and I also believe that my son benefited in more ways than one. Even to see him relaxed and sleeping brought a great deal of relief to me as a parent. I would not hesitate in recommending anyone to attend a session with Amanda Weller."
Sue Kelly
"I suffered from Eczema since childhood, and a divorce situation caused such intense flare up that simply showering or wearing clothes was awfully irritating, burning, itchy, and honestly plainly unlivable. The dermatologist I was seeing told me that my case was beyond treating with corticoids, and recommended immuno-suppressant medication. I was to have a blood test before my next appointment a couple of weeks later. That is went I first saw Amanda. I did not know what BodyTalk was, but was so desperate for some relief that I thought I'd give it a go...
The results were beyond any expectations. Within 2 weeks, my skin had healed so much that the next time I saw my dermatologist, she was plainly astonished and did not see the need to pursue further treatment. This was 5 years ago. I have seen Amanda on and off since then whenever the eczema is reoccurring and top off with corticoids cream to manage the discomfort. I have a Ph.D in science, and have no idea how this works, but my experience is that it just does. The eczema is not gone, but I would say about a 85% improvement, which has been life changing for me."
Dr Martine Hardy
"I came to Amanda with lower back pain, I was struggling to drive to clients as I would seize up and crawl out of the car like a clip from the Darwin theory of evolution....eventually standing upright after a few minutes. I went to Amanda for a be fair I don't really know what goes on in a session other than you just have to trust and believe that it will work. I have been to Amanda a number of times including one where I carried on at home ...30 miles from her and she just tuned into my that was kind of weird but she recorded her findings and sent them to me....she relayed info which I honestly have not told anybody...freaky but quite amazing....and comforting.
So reverting to my session about my back, I laid down, Amanda progressed through her session and told me my back / hip was slightly out of sync. She did her magic and I went out of the car in the familiar Darwin fashion and carried on. The next morning, I overslept my alarm and jumped out of bed into the bathroom....there I realised what I had achieved.....I was standing up straight and not in pain? I had to pinch myself....the only difference between that day and the previous was that I had a session with Amanda. So there, whilst you may be sceptical.....remember landing on the moon was a dream for so many centuries.....maybe we will fully understand Bodytalk in the next century , in the meantime just trust it and let it make your life easier."
Maggie Lax
"Before I started working with Amanda I had experienced a traumatic event that had left me feeling anxious, emotional and confused. I was holding onto the event unable to let it go. During my sessions with Amanda she was able to explain why I was feeling the way I was. During our body talk sessions, Amanda was able to help my body rebalance itself through her energy healing. Amanda talked me through every step of the way, explaining each stage of her healing. I worked with Amanda in person at her clinic in Godalming. I noticed a difference from my second visit. I slept better and was able to move on from the event that had caused me such anxiety and emotional disturbance. I would have no hesitation in recommending Amanda, and would visit her again if I felt I was struggling with emotional pain."
Tracy Barker
"You have instilled this calmness into me. I miss my Mum, and Dad, so much & there is such a big hole in my life - so I just cannot believe I would be 'coping' as OKish as I am without you."
Vicki Moore
"After another session with Amanda, ‘spiritual wash down’ ‘quantum body talk’ call it what you will, that life affirming surge and enthusiasm for the future was stronger than ever. She has her fingers on the pulse, personally and universally. Thank you Amanda for doing what you do."
Sally Snowden
"I’ve received great benefit from what you did…I have since prioritised myself with yoga meditation/walking and feel like I’m doing a re-set … Thank you so much."
Michele Gamble
"Both my husband and I were saying that our son has been in such a different space since you worked on him, a sense of carefreeness has descended.
That feeling of pressure and tightness has changed dramatically and I see my lovely boy so much more content than he has been. I really can’t thank you enough, it is so powerful and special. In fact I am about to give your name to a friend of mine."
Emma Parr
"I haven't found anyone to touch you as a therapist."
Mary Hamilton
"I feel the most amazing feeling that I haven’t felt in 10 years or more. Honestly you, have really changed my life. I can’t thank you enough!
I can’t thank you enough! I know I keep saying it, but with your sessions you have changed my life and allowed me to start the process of real healing. I will always be truly grateful for what you have done and continue to help me do. You’re totally amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Claire Moore
"I noticed a significant difference in my body particularly my lower back/sacrum pain almost immediately after our session."
Rachel Meredith
"Before I started working with Amanda, I was ill and about to start treatment in hospital, it was a frightening prospect because I didn’t know what they were going to do to me or how my body would react.
Amanda did weekly sessions at first and I listened to the audio she sent me afterwards. It was very soothing to hear her voice calmly telling me what had come up in that session. It was also surprising when she started talking about a something which had come up which I hadn’t mentioned to her or when she talked about something which then came up later that week - I didn’t worry so much then, I just said to myself that my body was expecting it and dealing with it. My treatment happened fairly uneventfully, my body seemed to react as was expected and after 14 months of treatment I gradually returned to work. To me it really felt like there was someone helping me deal with the treatment in a way that was above the norm. This gave me a certain peace of mind."
Cathy Blott
"Amanda is a life saver! My baby boy had been suffering with night terrors for over a week. He screamed for 5-6 hours per night and we were at our wit’s end.
Amanda booked in a remote session for Toby and emailed me the audio recording of the session the same day. That night, Toby still had the terrors but for only half the time but the night after he had full restful night’s sleep, as did we! The whole family is noticeably happier due to having uninterrupted nights and poor Toby isn’t suffering anymore. We can’t thank you enough Amanda. The Wilsons x."
Natalie Wilson
"Before I started working with Amanda I felt very run down and drained which resulted in me being very quick tempered and very emotional.
Amanda focussed on me during the session and whilst I didn't know exactly to the minute when the session was happening, I could feel myself take some settling breaths either during or after the session. Amanda followed up by email with audio reports - I had questions and she gave me some excellent advice on things such as increasing my water intake so that I am not so dehydrated. Afterwards I felt much more calm and level headed, much more emotionally stable and able to cope with life. "
Abigail, Surrey, UK
"A great thank you to Amanda who support me through Quantum Healing. It was a time that was particularly overwhelming and Amanda was able to give me direction and a path to find my way through that time.
A very different experience and you can only understand it by experiencing it. It was amazing. Thank you Amanda xxx"
Antonietta Brienza
"I could feel a sense of peace and freedom after my session with Amanda. How lovely is that?"
A very different experience and you can only understand it by experiencing it. It was amazing. Thank you Amanda xxx"
"Edward is a 3 year old boy who is speech delayed as well as being slightly behind in gross and fine motor skills. I asked Amanda to work with him hoping that he just needed a 'nudge' to help heal himself.
He had 3 remote sessions where Amanda focused on him and then emailed through her audio reports after each session. After the first session my husband and nanny both remarked what a wonderful mood he was in and how much chattier he had become - they did not know he had had the treatment. After the second and third treatment he still progressed, although it was slower than after the first treatment. Edward is continuing to make progress with his speech, his awareness and with his fine and gross motor skills. I believe that the sessions helped to kick start his body into healing itself."
Abigail, Surrey, UK
"Amanda is a life saver! My baby boy had been suffering with night terrors for over a week. He screamed for 5-6 hours per night and we were at our wit’s end.
Amanda booked in a remote session for Toby and emailed me the audio recording of the session the same day. That night, Toby still had the terrors but for only half the time and the night after he had a full restful night’s sleep, as did we! The whole family is noticeably happier due to having uninterrupted nights and poor Toby isn’t suffering anymore. We can’t thank you enough Amanda."
The Wilsons, Hampshire, UK
"It seems impossible that a practitioner in the U.K. could make a difference on a body in Canada, but it happened.
Amanda Weller performed a distance treatment on me one night, and I woke up listening to my body in a very different way the following morning. More energized, open and alive and my hip, which had been troubling me, felt quite different. I am grateful to be able to feel the results. Thank you!"
Jane Czarny, Ontario, Canada
"I contacted Amanda whilst arranging a trip to the UK. I asked her if she could see me while I was over and amazingly she said that she could also do a ‘distance’ session so of course I jumped at the offer.
I had had a pain, maybe from a trapped nerve, running down my entire right side for about 7 months, during which time I had had several physiotherapy sessions which had helped slightly but within a couple of days I was back with the pain again. Within 12 hours of the distance session I was already reaping the benefits – I felt a warm sensation all down my right side, I felt completely energized and the pain had almost totally disappeared. I was moving freely, something that I hadn’t done in months, and my show jumping training session the next day had a completely different feel about it, both physically and mentally. Amanda did a further distance treatment a few days later and again many issues came up during the session that related directly to my life.
I cannot pretend I that understand what is happening during a session, all I know is that it has improved my physical and mental well-being in a most immediate and positive way. I would fully recommend everyone to give it a try."
Tessa Deriziotis, Athens, Greece
"Sadly my 12 yr old son was suffering from depression, anxiety, constantly tired, becoming increasingly withdrawn and certainly not his usual self.
(There is also the possibility that he is somewhere on the autistic spectrum and this is something that is being further assessed.) Despite still being able to achieve academically, he was finding school increasingly difficult - often finding it too difficult to attend school. It was almost as if he was ‘stuck’ and we couldn’t find a way through to change things and turn things around.
Traditional ‘talking’ therapies did not seem to help – in fact it seemed to push him further into a corner and into himself. He shut down even more, declaring that the ‘talking doesn’t help.’
At this point I turned to Amanda for help, through energy healing. She carried out these sessions remotely (my son wasn’t aware) and updated me afterwards. What has happened is nothing short of miraculous – almost immediately I noticed real improvements with him - he is much more positive and is getting more involved in things when I ask him to and is showing an interest in things again.
Over the past few months it seemed almost as if his brain had got muddled or stuck and he was in the mindset of not being able to cope with school. However my observation is that he has been 'reset' and a switch has been flicked in his brain and his mindset as he has now decided that he can manage school and actually he has spoken about attending school for the rest of this term and I do think he will achieve that. I can only put this shift down to Amanda and her distance healin sessions. I don’t understand how they work but the important thing is that they do work! I am forever indebted to her for her help in turning things around and for all the positive things that are happening. It is great to have my son back with his cheerful, sunny disposition."
SA, Surrey, UK
"I have a Cairn Terrier dog, Pepper, who is coming up for 11 but very fit and healthy. While running at full speed in our garden he did something to his back right leg making it very painful for him to put his foot to the floor.
The following morning there was no improvement so I contacted Amanda who did a remote session on him. When I arrived home from work that evening he was limping but putting weight on his foot. The next day he was pretty much back to normal. His recovery was amazing even though Amanda never saw him. I strongly recommend Amanda to work her magic on your animals".
Lucinda Beard, Surrey, UK
"I approached Amanda because I was 37 weeks pregnant and I was told that my baby was breech. She performed 2 sessions on me from afar and it was very good.
I listened to them and they gave me a perspective of what links my body came up with. After 4 days I went back to the hospital and they told me that the baby had turned and was now cephalic. We were ecstatic!! Thank you Amanda!!"
SP, London, UK
"Thank you so much for our recent sessions. As you know, I have suffered from Lyme Disease for two years, and had for two months, felt so much better after our initial 3 sessions.
I had another flare up 6 weeks ago, brought on by stress and grief, leaving me with left side facial paralysis (Bells Palsy), considerable facial droop, inability to taste, enunciate, blink, close my left eye, or move my tongue or lips. The hospital graded my paralysis 8/9. I had a "top up" session booked with you ten days after the initial episode, and my daughter brought me along to see you. During the session, I experienced a bright light in my head, and a low level "buzzing" throughout my body and limbs. When my daughter returned she was amazed that my mouth was no longer drooping! When I went home, I slept deeply for two hours and could move my eye. After that the improvements kept coming, and one week after that session, the hospital downgraded my paralysis from 8/9 to 2/3.
I also started with a homeopathic protocol, which alongside your sessions, have helped enormously. I've had a couple of telephone sessions, which I was anxious about to begin with, but I have experienced balance, and wellbeing after each distance session."
Diane Hickey
"I first came to see Amanda with a fairly open mind tempered with a scientist's instinctive mistrust of any which cannot be quantified or measured. I had no specific objective or symptoms to present to her just wanting a sort of MOT.
I thoroughly enjoyed the session and felt very relaxed afterwards. While indulging in a post treatment chat I suddenly found my self in verbal free flow concerning and relationship problem which had been causing me considerable distress for some time. Now, nothing had materially changed but I drove away from the session feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders and this sense remains today.
My second session was prompted by nervousness about upcoming gastric surgery. Amanda worked on my healing responses and despite my being 54 at the time even my surgeon was absolutely amazed at the speed of my recovery. Co-incidence or body talk?"
Helena Finden-Browne
Feel free to read more of my testimonials here