Quantum Being

Energy Alchemy

Nature’s Healing Tools – Part One: Grounding / Earthing

Grounding, or earthing, frequently comes up in my clients’ BodyTalk sessions. When it does, I always start by asking whether they ever walk around barefoot. The responses are more often than not “no”. There is quite often horror at the very idea, not only at going barefoot outside but even at the thought of padding around inside at home.

They are missing a trick.

What is this trick?

It’s a FREE healing tool that we ALL have access to, it’s easy and it’s something that we can all do for ourselves, which I am very much in favour of.

What is it? It’s walking barefoot on the ground. That simple.

We are electrical beings and we often produce excess positive charge which can hang around the body. The ground naturally oozes electrons, which are negative. When we walk barefoot on grass, mud, concrete or sand, this simple action of feet meeting ground neutralises that excess positive charge. And, of course, it’s even better if the ground is slightly damp. You are giving your body the opportunity to get into better balance electrically as the electrons are transferred into the body. Going barefoot therefore results in a shift of the electrical state of the body which in turn helps to restore our natural self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms. This is obviously beneficial.

You know how when you go on holiday you feel better, less stressed, with an improved general sense of wellbeing? We all presume that this is simply due to being away from the daily routine. This is clearly a factor, but possibly more important is that you are walking along the beach, splashing along the shoreline or swimming in the sea, without the usual protection of the non-conductive materials our footwear is so often made of. There are many thousands of people who have tried earthing and their feedback has shown they felt significantly better in many respects, for example less pain and stress, improved sleep and quicker recovery from trauma.

I recommend watching this good little clip with Stephen Sinatra, a cardiologist, talking about grounding. If you’d like more information, have a look at the Earthing Institute.

And as I mentioned at the start, these principles can be incorporated into your BodyTalk session, so if you are particularly squeamish about going barefoot, that’s always another option...

I urge you to give it a go. It could be life-changing for you.
Grounding, or Earthing, comes up in every single session, multiple times. It's REALLY important ... and ... it's a simple, free way you can help yourself achieve an optimum state of being.

See what Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra says:

Amanda's 'Supermarket Grounding' Technique

Here's a lovely easy way to ground yourself - anytime, anywhere.

I call it my 'Supermarket Grounding' technique because I usually remember to do it while I am waiting to pay - in the midst of the busy-ness of shoppers and tills, I treat myself to a moment of "me time", reconnecting to my core. It give me a few moments of centering and peace. Try it!!


With love,

Amanda xx


If you’d like to work 1:1 with me please get in touch and we can play!

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